What is Employee Engagement?
The most frequently asked question in the human resources field of companies is “How to increase employee engagement?”
First of all, it is necessary to define employee engagement. Employee engagement is the degree to which employees feel a passionate attachment to the organization, remain committed to their work, and make extra effort.
According to a recent Gallup survey, 70% of employees don’t feel committed to their jobs. An employee who doesn’t feel committed to his/her job doesn’t contribute to taking the company forward and also causes low motivation from the people around him/her because according to the research, low motivation brings unhappiness, and an unhappy employee at work affects 8-9 people around him/her, while a happy employee can only affect 1-2 people.
Increasing employee loyalty does not only reduce turnover in the workplace. At the same time, it also means that competent personnel who know the job will work in the long term and, simultaneously, increase productivity in the workplace.
In companies where employee engagement is high; while the personnel work with high efficiency and make high contributions to the company, it is observed that the peace of the working environment increases and absenteeism rates decrease simultaneously.
Employee engagement depends on multiple factors. We can list the main factors as follows:
- The Manager Factor:
Starting with a good manager is very important not only in terms of organizational efficiency but also in terms of human resources. Since a good manager is highly motivated, he or she will also keep the motivation of the team high and increase their commitment to work.
- The Right Goal Factor:
Setting an auditable and achievable goal for employees is another factor that affects employee engagement.
When you set common goals for the growth of your company together with your employees, they are included in the process and feel that they are visible in the company, and their motivation increases. At the same time, they make more effort to achieve the goals set together.
One of the issues to be considered when setting goals here is to set accessible goals that are appropriate to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employee.
- Transparent and Accessible Management Factor:
According to research, managers being transparent to employees and being open about everything increases the happiness of employees at work and accordingly their loyalty.
The concept of accessibility can be explained as follows: Just as you set common goals together and stay in touch regarding the company’s needs, similarly, being accessible when your staff needs you makes them feel valued within the organization. This is another factor that increases loyalty.
- Suitable Work Environment Factor:
One of the most important factors is that the employee works in an environment suitable for his knowledge and skills, where he/she can develop them and use his competencies. In short, it is the provision of the working environment that the employee needs. Following technological developments, having the tools and equipment most needed by the position easily accessible and working without problems will make it easier for the staff to do their job and therefore increase their loyalty.
Nowadays, the development of technology also pushes employees to work in an organization that has completed its digital transformation. Therefore, employee loyalty is much higher, especially in businesses that are close to the present day in technology.
- Happiness Factor
Another factor that increases employee loyalty is happiness. An employee who is happy at work doesn’t think of leaving their job with the thought that they cannot catch this happy environment outside. Remembering the employee on special occasions, recognizing his work regardless of whether it is small or big, important or insignificant, being visible at work, and being appreciated and rewarded when necessary positively affect the happiness of the employee.
If you want to increase employee engagement, you can make a difference in your business by taking advantage of our human resources consultancy service!