In employee relations consultancy, we offer comprehensive services to improve the interaction, communication, and collaboration among employees within a business. Our goal is to enhance employee relations, increase business efficiency, and elevate employee job satisfaction levels. Within this scope, we provide the following services to our clients:
– Motivation Measurement
-Engagement Measurement
-Managerial Training to Improve Motivation and Engagement
Motivation measurement is a method used to determine the extent to which internal and external factors influence an individual. These measurement methods can be employed to understand the importance of motivation in the workplace, training environments, or achieving individual goals. The methods we use for motivation measurement are as follows:
- Surveys and Scales
- Performance Evaluations
- Observation and Feedback
- Self-Assessment
These methods are commonly used tools for measuring motivation. As Analysis Career (Analiz Kariyer) , we conduct the necessary analyses to identify the most suitable management approach for your organization.
Engagement measurement aims to determine employees’ loyalty to the company, their attitudes toward their work, and their commitment to the workplace. It helps organizations understand and improve employee motivation and commitment. The measurement results are also used to evaluate recruitment processes, leadership approaches, working conditions, and recognition and reward systems within the organization.
Engagement measurement can be conducted in various ways. Some commonly used methods for engagement measurement include:
- Surveys and Scales
- Employee Feedback
- Employee Turnover Rates
- Performance and Participation Evaluations
Based on these measurements, we provide you with a report to ensure sustainability in your business.